Reporting of objectionable conditions
SalMar depends on the trust of its employees, customers, stakeholders and society at large. In line with our ethical guidelines, SalMar wishes to be informed of objectionable conditions in the workplace. SalMar therefore has a whistleblowing channel where all employees, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders may report matters of concern. Objectionable conditions may include:
- Breach of laws, rules, and internal guidelines
- Breach of safety routines and instances causing danger to life and health
- Instances of bullying, harassment, substance abuse, discrimination and racism
- Suspicion of financial irregularities (such as corruption, embezzlement, theft, fraud, misappropriate of funds, procurement issues, etc.)
- Social dumping or other work-related crime
Matters related to for example personal or political beliefs, internal personnel conflicts, staffing disagreements or salary dissatisfaction, fall outside the scope of this whistleblowing channel and should be reported through other channels.
How to report
Our whistleblowing channel is managed on behalf of SalMar by the advisory and audit firm, BDO AS.
You may report your concern through our electronic whistleblowing channel by clicking the button below.
You may also contact BDO’s whistleblowing services by telephone on +47 970 86 000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm), in person at the offices of BDO AS in Vika Atrium in Oslo, or by post to BDOs Varslingsmottak, Postboks 1704 Vika, 0121 Oslo.
All reports will be taken seriously and processed as quickly as possible. Whistleblowing cases are treated confidentially, and the whistleblowing channel may be utilized without fear of repercussions.
Information that should be included in the report
Your report should include the following information:
- Your contact details, unless you wish to report anonymously
- Time period, date and time, and location of the matters you wish to report
- A description of what you wish to report
- Other persons who may have witnessed or have further information about what you wish to report
- Any information you might have of similar prior issues or concerns related to the person(s) in your report
It is possible to report anonymously through the whistleblowing channel. If reporting anonymously, there may be restrictions as to how and to what extent the report can be followed up. This may apply to both subsequent follow-up of the whistleblower and the person(s) the report concerns.
If reporting externally to BDO AS, partial anonymity is also possible. In that case, BDO AS will know your identity and can communicate with you, whilst you remain anonymous towards SalMar.
If you report anonymously, it will not be possible for SalMar or BDO AS to trace your identity.