Transparency Act
SalMar works actively to comply with the demands and expectations set by the Transparency Act. SalMar is in the process of carrying out its due diligence assessments and wants to integrate these into existing work on assessments of our own operations, contractors, and business associates. As SalMar’s value chain is extensive, both in length and geography, complete due diligence assessments will be time-consuming. We will always, to the best of our ability, answer all questions in accordance with the duty to provide information in the Transparency Act.
Most of SalMar’s contractors have offices in Norway, from feed suppliers to suppliers of vessels, cage structures, packaging, and technology solutions. However, our contractors also have a wide range of own contractors around the world, including in South America, Asia, and multiple countries in Europe. As the Transparency Act sets expectations for assessments throughout the value chain, this will require that SalMar also collaborates with its contractors to map and assess their value chains.
SalMar already sets contractual requirements on social compliance to its most critical contractors. These requirements include human rights and follow-up of social conditions from our contractors, both internally and externally.
For more information about SalMar, please read the “SalMar” section of our website. For more information on SalMar’s work on human rights, read SalMar’s “Human Rights Policy” and «Supply Chain Management Policy».
Did you not find what you were looking for and want to get in touch with us? Send your question to apenhetsloven@salmar.no, and we will reply as soon as possible.