SalMar’s whole value chain is certified from roe to plate We strive to conduct ourselves with honesty, propriety, and trustworthiness, and take pride in being transparent about our operations. To this end, we have obtained certification in accordance with the most stringent requirements and guidelines. Our compliance with third-party standards, as well as those set by our customers, is verified through careful monitoring of our operations. In addition to this, our operations are also subject to oversight by government and regulatory authorities.
ASC Certification
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an independent, international non-profit organisation, which established the world’s most stringent sustainability standard in June 2012. The mission of the ASC Standard is to bring aquaculture one step closer to the sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible production of salmon. This is achieved through effective market mechanisms that create value along the entire value chain. By choosing ASC-certified salmon, consumers can be assured that they are buying salmon from a responsible farmer. With more than 400 auditing criteria within seven main categories, the ASC Standard is difficult to reach and to retain. It demands substantial resources with respect to documentation and reporting, before, during and after certification. Furthermore, SalMar has been certified in accordance with the ASC’s Chain of Custody scheme. Further details can be found on the ASC’s website.
Openness regarding our performance is a key aspect of the standard. Find our latest ASC reports here.
BRCGS Certification
BRCGS was founded in 1996 by retailers to harmonize food safety standards. Since then they have developed many Global Standards including the BRCGS Global Standard for food Safety.
The BRC Global Standard for food safety specifies the food safety, quality, and operational criteria requirements that food manufacturing organizations must fulfil regarding legal compliance and protection of the consumer. This standard has a series of food safety requirements that must be met from food production to sale to the final consumer:
- A Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety plan to manage risks by following a step-by-step approach following CODEX Alimentarius guidelines.
- Senior management commitment to provide sufficient resources for achieving the standard.
- A quality management system that details the organizational and managerial policies needed to provide a framework for achieving the standard.
- A series of prerequisite programs dealing with the basic environmental and operational conditions needed for the production of safe food and controlling the generic hazards covered by good manufacturing and good hygiene practices
Further details can be found on the BRCGS website.
InnovaMar (ST-423) and InnovaNor (TF-423) are certified by the BRC Global Standard for food safety.
Debio/ KRAV Certification, Organic Salmon
SalMar is one of the world’s leading producers of organic salmon and is integrated from brood stock and smolt, to value added products and sales.
Organic Salmon has been an important focus for SalMar in Norway and today we supply Organic Salmon 52 weeks a year.
For the salmon to be classified as organic it must be farmed to the EU organic regulations and audited by DEBIO.
- The entire process is verified throughout the chain – and it is regularly inspected by the certification body. Minimum yearly inspections and control of protocols for fish husbandry, fish farming procedures, feed, harvesting, processing and sales.
- The certification process for Organic farming in Norway is delegated to ”Debio” by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. ”Debio” approval ID is NS-EN 45011, ISO 65.
- SalMar Farming has a certified organic production according to the ”Debio” Standard for aquaculture of atlantic salmon, and this standard is also covering the EU regulations for farming of organic salmon
- KRAV is the Swedish brand for organic production.
- The density in the pen is not allowed to be more than 10 kg/m3
- The organic salmon is fed with maritime feed, made from off cuts from fish- it’s an absolute demand that the fish used in the feed derives from sustainable fisheries (MSC-certified fisheries)
- SalMar is using cleaner-fish to help keep the salmon free of sea lice.
- The nets are not treated with anti-fouling which contains copper. This will have less impact on the environment.
- If fish have to be treated by medications, the withdrawal period is twice as long as conventional salmon.
- The MOM (environmental surveillance) is an important factor in the DEBIO audits. The sites used for organic farming shall be fallowed minimum 4 months after the site is empty- compared to 2 months for the conventional sites
Find our Debio/ KRAV certificates here.
Global G.A.P Certification
The IFA standard for aquaculture is a global standard for responsible farming practices that covers the entire production chain, from brood stock, to farming (including feed), harvesting, and transportation.
IFA v6 for aquaculture at a glance
- Adopts a holistic approach that covers food safety, animal health and welfare, environmental sustainability and biodiversity, workers’ well-being, production processes, legal compliance, and traceability
- Mandatory inclusion of the GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP)
- Requires sourcing of compound feed used at the aquatic farming and hatchery levels from compound feed manufacturers with GLOBALG.A.P. certified production processes
- Covers all species of finfish, crustaceans, molluscs, and seaweed
- Covers all types of aquaculture production systems with certification options for both individual producers and producer groups
- Considers all four pillars of the FAO Technical Guidelines on Aquaculture Certification and the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) Aquatic Animal Health Code
- Supports increased efficiency and improved management of farm operations
- Provides clarity on market requirements and acts as a practical manual for on-farm activities
- Enables producers to demonstrate responsible farming practices and buyers to easily identify production that fulfils their requirements
- Implements a farm-level continuous improvement plan that helps producers to analyze and enhance their operations
SalMar undergoes annual audits by accredited and independent third-party certification bodies, resulting in a certificate valid for one year. Our entire production chain for roe to sales are certified in accordance with Global G.A.P.
IFS Certification
International Featured Standards (IFS) is a private initiative developed by German, French and Italian distributors designed to provide solutions for the entire supply chain.
The packing stations undergo annual audits that reviews the products and production processes to evaluate their ability to produce safe, authentic, and quality products according to legal requirements and customer specifications.
Read more about the IFS Food Standard here.
InnovaMar (ST-423) and InnovaNor (TF-423) are certified by the IFS Food standard.