Our Products
Close customer relations and high quality products
SalMar has established a fully integrated system for farming, processing, sales and distribution of farmed salmon and is thus in control of the total value chain.
The salmon that SalMar is producing is sold through an in-house salesforce and/ or through close partners.
Proximity to markets and customers, direct or through partners is important to secure efficient use of a high-quality raw material that has been through a traceable and controlled production process.
SalMar produces a wide variety of fresh and frozen salmon products. The customer base is global and includes small and large importerts/ exporters, as well as larger processing companies and retail chains.
If you would like to know more about SalMar’s products, please contact our sales department by telephone at +47 72 44 79 00.
Below is a brief overview of some our products.
Our fillets are available with and without skin. Plain or seasoned. Packaging options include skin, map, open and closed vacuum. With or without pre-printed design. Fillets can be packed in styrofoam boxes, but also in cardboard boxes.
Shelf life: Fresh: 15 days, Frozen: 12-24 months
See below for our cuts
No belly bones
No belly bones
No belly fins
No belly bones
No back fat
No belly bones
No back
No back fins
No belly fat/membrane
Trim C or D
No skin – deep skinned
Trim C or D
No skin – deep skinned
No brown muscle
We can produce chain packs up to 6 portions. There is also a possibility to use pre-printed design. Packaging options also include MAP with aluminium or plastic tray.
Shelf life: Fresh: 15 days, Frozen: 12-24 months

Our prime loin cuts are available in vacuum packaging of single portions.
Shelf life: Fresh Vacuum packed 14 days

Whole Fish
We offer gutted whole fish packed and sorted after size in styrofoam boxes with either wet ice or dry ice.

Norwegian Organic Salmon
SalMar is one of the world’s leading producers of organic salmon and is integrated from brood stock and smolt, to value added products and sales.
In 2009 Salmar was certified to farm, process and sell organic salmon, and in March 2011 the first organic salmon from Salmar was harvested. Organic Salmon has been an important focus for SalMar in Norway and Central Norway.