Er du vå neste lærling i Akvakulturfaget ved SalMar Settefisk AS avd. Senja?
Work place: Senja
County: Troms
Application deadline: 09.05.2025
As a Production Worker at InnovaMar, you’ll be at the heart of our operations, contributing to the harvesting and processing of premium salmon. Your role will involve a variety of tasks, including manual cutting, packing, sorting, and preparation. You’ll experience shifts alternating between day and evening, enriching your work-life balance.
To maintain the position as one of the world’s leading producers of farmed salmon, SalMar is dependent on competent and highly motivated employees.
SalMar offers an exciting and social working environment within many areas, like juveniles, farming, processing, sales & distribution, accounting etc.
We are always interested in good candidates!
If you have relevant competence or experience, please let us know.
Please be aware that there are third parties trying to impersonate SalMar recruiting officers.
SalMar never do hiring through agencies or third party recruitment. SalMar does all hiring directly. If you are approached by an agency or a third party claiming to represent SalMar, steer clear – it is a fraud. Do not give any information and / or money to such people, they do not represent SalMar and they can not offer jobs in our company.